Able Deen events calendar.
The Able Deen service takes our wheelchairs, scooters and volunteers to the four corners of Aberdeen to enable people to access their local services, facilities, shops etc.
Find out about upcoming events around Aberdeen to find out when the Able Deen unit will be near you:
Festive Closure 21st December – 7th January
Hello Everyone, please note that Shopmobility Able Deen will be closed over the festive season. We do this every year to give our staff and volunteers a much needed
Festive Closure 21st December – 7th January
Hello Everyone, please note that Shopmobility Able Deen will be closed over the festive season. We do this every year to give our staff and volunteers a much needed
Aberdeen Fireworks 2024 – North Pier viewing on the Esplanade!!!
Great news, folks!! Come join us for the Aberdeen Fireworks 2024!! Display kicks off at 7.30pm!! Shopmobility AbleDeen will be attending this event to provide scooters & wheelchairs. If you