An exciting new service for Aberdeen.

Scroll down to find out more about Able Deen.

In partnership with Shopmobility Aberdeen

Donate to help support the community:

We are a charity whose aim is to increase independence, freedom, self esteem and choice for people with disabilities.

Able to Socialise

Your Friends, Your Family, You're Included.
Ever been invited to join in with an outing or a social event but you were not sure if you would manage it?

Able Deen is here to assist you.

COVID 19 message

we are back on a limited timetable, with PPE for our staff, rigorous cleaning regimen for the equipment and social distancing rules as follows:

  • No access to the interior of the vehicle
  • Only the person using the service to approach the vehicle
  • All instructions given by staff are to be followed

(tap the coloured boxes below for more information)

Able to Shop

Your Clothes, Your Food, Your Choice.
Want to visit your local shops to get your food shopping, have your hair done, buy a gift for someone or treat yourself to a fine piece?

Able Deen is here to assist you.

Able to Participate

Your City, Your Services, Your Say.
Have an issue you want to discuss with your local Councillor but can't get to their surgery, is there a big development happening near you and you want to see the plans but find it difficult to get out and about?

Able Deen is here to assist you.

Able to Visit

Your Parks, Your Gardens, You're There.
Fancy a visit to Duthie Park to have a trip round the Winter Gardens, Aberdeen Beach for a stroll along the Prom or an ice cream cone, Johnstone Gardens to see all the beautiful plants?

Able Deen will be there to assist you.

Able to Volunteer

Your Skills, Your Enthusiasm, You're Needed.
Want to make real, practical, positive differences to people in your community? Want to learn new skills and meet new people?

Do you have a few hours to spare each week?
Able Deen needs you!

Able to Explore

Your Places, Your Things, Your Way.
Whether it's going somewhere you haven't been in ages, finding somewhere completely new or trying out an event or show.

Able Deen is here to assist you.

What is Able Deen?

Helping to connect the community.

The Able Deen service will take our wheelchairs, scooters and volunteers to the four corners of Aberdeen to enable people to access their local services, facilities, shops etc.

We want you to tell us where you would like Able Deen to visit and what you would like it to help you be Able to do.

Keep up to date with our news and events – follow us on instagram:

Able Deen services

The Able Deen facility will be able to provide you with:


Looking for Shopmobility?


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Featured events 

SPECTRA 2025 – DAY 4

Spectra, Scotland’s Festival of Light, Day 4. Able Deen are delighted to be available for this event to provide mobility equipment (mobility scooters, walkers & wheelchairs).  Limited availability. Our home

See event details »

SPECTRA 2025 – DAY 3

Spectra, Scotland’s Festival of Light, Day 3. Able Deen are delighted to be available for this event to provide mobility equipment (mobility scooters, walkers & wheelchairs).  Limited availability. Our home

See event details »


Spectra, Scotland’s Festival of Light, Day 2. Able Deen are delighted to be available for this event to provide mobility equipment (mobility scooters, walkers & wheelchairs).  Limited availability. Our home

See event details »

See our events calendar for more details:

News & updates

Closed for AGM

It’s our Annual General Meeting today, and the unit is closed.   Our AGM will stat at 3pm.   If you would like to join us, please fill in this

Read more »

See all recent news and updates:


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